Central Office
520 Center Street
Carlisle, AR 72024
From Interstate 40, take Hwy 13 South
Turn left onto West 8th Street
Turn right onto Center Street
Central Office is on the left at the corner of Center and 6th Street
Elementary School
707 E. 5th Street
Carlisle, AR 72024
From Interstate 40, take Hwy 13 South
Turn left onto West 8th Street
Turn right onto Center Street
Turn left onto 5th Street
Elementary is on your right
High School
145 Raborn Road
Carlisle, AR 72024
From Interstate 40, take Hwy 13 South
Turn left onto Hwy 70
Turn right onto Raborn Road
High School is on your left
Bison Gymnasium
145 Raborn Road
Carlisle, AR 72024
From Interstate 40, take Hwy 13 South
Turn left onto Hwy 70
Turn right onto Raborn Road
Turn left into second entrance and follow drive to back of school
Gym is located on East end of school
Raymond Brown Football Stadium
Corner of 6th and Center Streets
Carlisle, AR 72024
From Interstate 40, take Hwy 13 South
Turn left onto West 8th Street
Turn right onto Center Street
Turn left onto 6th Street
Winrock Basebal/Softball Fields
Pauschert Road
Carlisle, AR 72024
From Interstate 40, take Hwy 13 North
Turn right onto Airport Road
Turn right onto Pauschert Road
Fields are on your left